Review of 7593 Buzz’s Star Command Spaceship

Another review of the Toy Story series for today 🙂  People reading must be thinking that either I’m crazy over Toy Story series or I’m just too free recently.  😀

This is the 7593 LEGO Toy Story Buzz’s Star Command Ship. This box is quite big for the size of the assembled set.  The size of the box is even bigger than the Contruct-A-Zurg and Buzz sets. 

Taking a look inside, there are only 2 packages, the instruction booklet and the simple 6 piece stickers.  Once again, was disappointed that Lego has decided to give stickers instead of printing directly on the pieces.  I would think that printing is better, especially in this case, at the logo of the Space Command on the ship is actually quite big and you will need to align the 2 halves together to give a perfect match.

The assembly took me just over 30 minutes to complete.  The first beind the minifigs, followed by the little vehicle and finally the 2 parts leading to the Star Command Ship.

As you can see in the picture below, the hood of the Star Command Ship can be opened up to review the little console.  Lego only put in a normal triangular block to represent the controls without any other mechanisms.  Buzz can sit inside but you will need to remove his wings before he can sit comfortably inside with the hood closed.  The rear of the Space Command Ship can also be opened up by swinging out the 2 sides with the Space Command Logo.  This will allow the small vehicle to be rolled up and kept inside.  One thing to note would be that the cylinder behind the vehicle will need to be folded 90 degrees to fit into the rear cabin.

There are 2 minifigs, Zurg and Buzz that came with this set.  For Zurg, the head and armour are pre-fab nicely while the robe comes in 2 pieces and will need to be carefully placed onto the body before the head is fitted on.  The weapon that comes along with this minifig Zurg is also a very simplifed version compared with the one that came with the Construct-A-Zurg set.  Not unexpected given the size of the minifig Zurg. 🙂

Out of 10, I would give this set a 7.  Mainly disappointed by the simple set and also the stickers that came along.  The only plus points are the numerous out-of-norm big pieces and also the Zurg and Buzz minifigs. 

Oh yah, the Space Command Ship can also be placed in an upright position beside just lying it down as shown in the above pictures.  Something that is not that usual for such spacecraft sets.  🙂

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