Thinking of Getting This…

Ever since last year, i’ve been thinking of getting the Sennheiser RS 180 Digital Wireless Headphone System.  Tried it during one of the PC shows last year and loved the quality of the sound as well as the feel of the headphone over the ears.  Only thing that has been stopping me from getting it is the price 🙁

Sennheiser RS 180 Digital Wireless Headphone System

So far the reviews of it at the various forums have been nothing but good comments.  My colleague who has gotten it from Amazon has keep touting me to buy it.  Recently, I realise that the DBS Black Card also have a promotion ongoing for it.  The promo is as follows,

Sennheiser Home Entertainment Headphones

  • RS170 Digital Wireless Headphones Set + 1 addtional HDR170 Headphones Receiver at only S$468 (U.P. S$598)
  • RS180 Digital Wireless Headphones Set + 1 additional HDR180 Headphones Receiver at only S$598 (U.P. S$768)

Promotion is valid till 31 July 2011.
Available exclusively at CK Tang and Pacific City (Marina Square).

Was really considering getting it locally later this week until my colleague SMS just now to tell me that Amazon now has a promo for the Set at only USD$279.  Putting in the shipping, it certainly works out to be a much better deal that what the local prices are.  Only issue I have to live with is the warranty and hassle of arranging for shipping.   Also, this shipping got to be without the spare headset as including it will make the pricing above SGD$400 and I’ll have to pay for GST.  I’m giving myself till later to make the decision …

Update : After thinking over, and doing some mental calculations, the Amazon deal will only make sense (or rather cents) if i’m only getting the basic set without the additional headset.  Based on the size provided by Amazon, the shipping from US to Singapore will come out to be around USD$22.  Adding this to the set, the total will be around USD$300 which converts to about S$375, still within the safety zone for avoiding to pay GST.  If i’m going to get the additional headset, which will set me back by around USD$150, including the shipping, then the will add on another S$190 to my investment, bringing the total to S$565.  Not very significant savings in this case.  Looks like for the sake of warranty, maybe just get the whole set using the DBS Black Card is better.

Available for Amazon Prime