Review of 7961 Darth Maul’s Sith Infiltrator

Got the at the Metro 20% discount sale a couple of weeks (or was it months) back.. Didnt have time to work on it till today while waiting for the Window Contractor to come and rectify the problem.  Here’s how the box looks like.

Inside the big box came with 2 instructions booklets, 1 sticker set and 4 packages of bricks.

Interesting, the packages came number 1-3 meaning there are less sorting out to do as compared to one that has no numberings on them.  The stickers are of higher quality as well as compare to those found previously on white backgrounds.

At the end of Pack 1, the frame of the Infiltrator is almost there.  There are a few compartments that later then I realise what they are for.  Almost the stickers were used on the areas where the “engines” were.  Abit cheaping I would say.

Pack 1 also completes the Darth Mual’s vehicles, spybots and the minifigs included in this set.

For Darth Mual, it came with an option to let him wear the cape instead of his normal “horn” head.  Also, his light saber can be store in a stand that I later found can be kept into his Sith Infiltrator as well.  The rest of the minifigs included are Queen Padme, Captain Panaka and Qui-Gon Jinn.

At the end of Pack 2, the back of the Infiltrator is completed with the cabin.  Also, the lego designer cleverly create some components for the vehicle and spybots (which can be drop off from below using a lever) to be stored when not in use.

Pack 3 completes the whole assembly by providing the top part and the tail wings of the Infiltrator.

Darth Maul will now be able to stand / sit in the cabin of the Infiltrator and his light saber will be cleverly stored below where he is standing in the cabin.

Overall, I would still say that this set is quite enjoyable due to the number of pieces and the complexity of assembly.  At least I would say that the S$120+ is still quite well spent compared to some other sets. 

Here’s a final pose of Darth Maul with his Sith Infiltrator. 🙂